Anonymous response to seeing FlucT perform Code Societies 2020

11/15 Transformations & Glitch Feminism



Project Examples & *Inspiration*


☀︎ Final Project 

Our class culminates in the development of a project over the course of 5 weeks defined by your individual skills and personal interests. The project should relate to themes of this class. Possible themes include and are not limited to sex, gender, technology, cybernetics, and feminism(s). This project can be in any medium such as software, performance, movement, a workshop/workbook, zine, website, interactive sculpture, installation, animation, oral history, etc. As we will have time to workshop and develop our ideas over time, you are encouraged to try a medium you are currently learning or have not yet worked with before. You are also encouraged to exercise a critical voice in your concept and idea. Be ready to explain why what you made is interesting to you, and what ideas you’re exploring with your work.

In the last two weeks of class, everyone will share and turn in a 10 minute slide presentation with photo and video documentation as well as writing describing the questions you were asking, the challenges you faced if any, and the ideas you were exploring through your project.


✧☽ Homework for Next week

1. Begin creating your project

2. Share resources with each other

By Thursday, choose a topic you are exploring in your project and title a Discord Channel with that topic and your name

  • Ex: screennames-and-cybersex-melanie
  • As the first message in your channel describe what you are researching and interested in and paste your research arena channel

By Sunday,

  • Message in at least 4 channels with suggesting a reference, artist, link, resource, or article to support your peer’s ongoing work on their final project!


See you at the Cybernetics Library on Saturday at 12!



11/8 Sexual Labor



✧☽ Homework for Next week

  1. Please let me know how you’re doing by filling out the feedback form,
    • I care about what you have to say and would like to take your experiences, feedback, and desires into consideration as we move into the second half of the semester ~ Navigating the topics of this class in an institutional setting is both a vital and charged undertaking; I want to hear how you are doing and what things you would like me to know in my role as a guide through this experience.
  2. Fill out all your capacities and inspirations and combine them to come up with *bad* ideas that mix them

“I have come to believe over and over again that what is most important to me must be spoken, made verbal and shared, even at the risk of having it bruised or misunderstood.” – Audre Lorde



  • Read the first 3-5 pages of Audre Lorde’s The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action
  • Find a place that comforts you, where you feel connected to yourself and things that give you tender pause, that fill you up.
  • Questions:
    • When do you wish you had spoken up, and not remained silent?
    • What do you need to say? [List as many things as necessary]
    • “What are the tyrannies big and small that you swallow day by day and attempt to make your own…”[List as many as necessary today, then write a new list on another day]
    • If we have been socialized to respect fear more than our own need for language, ask yourself: What’s the worst that could happen to me if I tell this truth? [answer this today, and another day]
  • Thank yourself for giving yourself the gift of thoughtful consideration around feelings and ideas that matter to you.



Tabita Rezaire for Inspiration

? Womb Ecology

Sorry for Real by Tabita Rezaire

Deep Down Tidal by Tabita Rezaire